
fast international transport


We take care of moves for apartments and offices offering turnkey service, including boxes and packaging and assisting on dismantling and assembly your furniture.

We have:

  • lifting ladder
  • cranes
  • steel trolleys
fast international transport


We take care of clearing out in Venice and the region for:


  • apartments
  • attics
  • warehouses
  • offices
  • gardens


We have agreements with dumps at the cheapest rates in downtown. We offer a complete service, handling the eventual dismantling of furniture, material transport and disposal with regular form.

We collect the following materials:

  • wood
  • metals
  • bulk materials (mattresses, sofas, plastics, clothing, cutlery, paper)
  • rubble

We give free estimates including a first site inspection

fast international transport


We collaborate with different Biennale pavilions and for the main events that take place in Venice.
We also provide services to the major hotels in the lagoon.

We also offer:

  • piano transportation
  • safe transportation
  • luggage transportation
  • installation-explant for docking masts
  • delivery
  • gazebo supplying
  • backing for mounting scaffolds
fast international transport


We provide secure transport and moves all over the country (including Islands) and throughout Europe.
We have vans for all your needs.

fast international transport


With our shipping service we guarantee transportation within 48 hours.


We carry out:

  • moves from Italy and abroad
  • moves from abroad to Italy
  • express shipping from Italy and abroad
  • express shipping from abroad to Italy